서버를 관리하는 사람은 외부에서도 서버상태를 수시로 체크해야 하는경우가 있는대 안드로이드용 앱중에 monyt 란게 쓸만한거 같다.
마켓에서 설치 후 서버추가메뉴에서 Server Name 과 Monyt Script URL 과 Request Status Interval 을 입력해준다
Server Name 은 관리용 이름이니 적당히 적어주고
Monyt Script URL 은 아래 스크립트를 서버에 저장해주고 그 주소를 적어준다. (http://도메인주소/monyt.php 형태로적어주면 된다.)
Request Status Interval 은 기본 5minutes 이다.
에 들어가면 script 를 찾을수있는대 버전이 변하는경우도 있으니 안될경우 체크해야 할거 같다.
스크립트 주소는 다음과 같고
- <?php
- /**
- * Monyt server script
- * returns linux system information to display in your app
- * @see monyt.net
- * @author Chema Garrido <chema@garridodiaz.com>
- * @license GPL v3
- */
- error_reporting(1);
- if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3', '<='))
- die('You need PHP 5.3 or newer to run Monyt server script.');
- //////////////// AUTHENTICATION REVIEW THIS ////////////////
- // Use authentication
- // If set to TRUE best choice only works with Monyt PRO
- // If set to FALSE no authentication
- define('ADMIN_USERNAME','monyt');
- //////////////// DO NOT MODIFY FROM HERE ///////////////////
- // authentication needed?
- ( !isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) OR !isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']) OR
- {
- header("WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"Monyt Login\"");
- header("HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized");
- die('<html><body>
- <h1>Auth needed!</h1>
- <h2>Wrong Username or Password!</h2>
- </body></html>');
- }
- // end auth
- //only returns the monyt version
- if( isset($_GET['version'] ) )
- $return = Monyt::VERSION;
- //returns information about the server
- elseif( isset($_GET['check']) )
- $return = Monyt::server_info();
- //monitoring status
- else
- $return = Monyt::server_status();
- //debug variable
- if( isset($_GET['debug']) )
- {
- die(print_r($return,1));
- }
- else
- {
- //output json information
- header('Content-type: text/json');
- header('Content-type: application/json');
- die(json_encode($return)) ;
- }
- /**
- * Monyt Class
- * returns linux system information to display in your app
- * @see monyt.net
- * @author Chema Garrido <chema@garridodiaz.com>
- * @license GPL v3
- */
- class Monyt{
- const VERSION = '2.0.0';
- /**
- * get server status
- * @return array
- */
- public static function server_status()
- {
- $aStats['monyt'] = self::VERSION;
- $aStats['uptime'] = trim( file_get_contents("/proc/uptime") );
- $aStats['uptime_human'] = self::uptime_human($aStats['uptime']);
- //processor usage
- $load = explode( ' ', file_get_contents("/proc/loadavg") );
- $aStats['load'] = $load[0].', '.$load[1].', '.$load[2];
- //memory info
- foreach( file('/proc/meminfo') as $line )
- {
- $line = trim($line);
- if( preg_match( '/^memtotal[^\d]+(\d+)[^\d]+$/i', $line, $m ) )
- {
- $aStats['total_memory'] = $m[1];
- }
- else if( preg_match( '/^memfree[^\d]+(\d+)[^\d]+$/i', $line, $m ) )
- {
- $aStats['free_memory'] = $m[1];
- }
- }
- //new memory stats
- $aStats['memory'] = array(
- 'total' => $aStats['total_memory'],
- 'free' => $aStats['free_memory'],
- 'used' => $aStats['total_memory'] - $aStats['free_memory'],
- 'percent' => round($aStats['used_memory']*100/$aStats['total_memory'],2)
- );
- //hard disks info
- $aStats['hd'] = array();
- //mounts we will display always
- $mounts_allowed = array('/','/tmp','/usr','/var','/home');
- //amount of mounts to display
- $mounts = 5;
- foreach( file('/proc/mounts') as $mount )
- {
- $mount = trim($mount);
- if( $mount AND $mount[0] == '/' )
- {
- $parts = explode( ' ', $mount );
- if( $parts[0] != $parts[1] )
- {
- $device = $parts[0];
- $folder = $parts[1];
- $total = disk_total_space($folder) / 1024;
- $free = disk_free_space($folder) / 1024;
- if( $total > 0 AND ($mounts > 0 OR in_array($folder,$mounts_allowed)) )
- {
- $used = $total - $free;
- $used_perc = ( $used * 100.0 ) / $total;
- $aStats['hd'][] = array
- (
- 'dev' => $device,
- 'total' => $total,
- 'used' => $used,
- 'free' => $free,
- 'used_perc' => $used_perc,
- 'mount' => $folder
- );
- $mounts--;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //networks info and stats usage
- $ifname = NULL;
- $aStats['net_rx'] = 0;
- $aStats['net_tx'] = 0;
- if( file_exists('/etc/network/interfaces') )
- {
- foreach( file('/etc/network/interfaces') as $line )
- {
- $line = trim($line);
- if( preg_match( '/^iface\s+([^\s]+)\s+inet\s+.+$/', $line, $m ) AND $m[1] != 'lo' )
- {
- $ifname = $m[1];
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- foreach( glob('/sys/class/net/*') as $filename )
- {
- if( $filename != '/sys/class/net/lo' AND file_exists( "$filename/statistics/rx_bytes" ) AND trim( file_get_contents("$filename/statistics/rx_bytes") ) != '0' )
- {
- $parts = explode( '/', $filename );
- $ifname = array_pop( $parts );
- }
- }
- }
- if( $ifname != NULL )
- {
- $aStats['net_rx'] = trim( file_get_contents("/sys/class/net/$ifname/statistics/rx_bytes") );
- $aStats['net_tx'] = trim( file_get_contents("/sys/class/net/$ifname/statistics/tx_bytes") );
- }
- return $aStats;
- }
- /**
- * server information
- * @return array
- */
- public static function server_info()
- {
- $aCheck = array
- (
- 'monyt' => self::VERSION,
- 'distro' => '',
- 'kernel' => '',
- 'cpu' => '',
- 'cores' => '',
- 'memory' => '',
- );
- ///// Get distro name and verion /////
- $sDistroName = '';
- $sDistroVer = '';
- //for ubuntu....
- if (file_exists('/etc/lsb-release'))
- {
- $distro = parse_ini_file('/etc/lsb-release');
- $aCheck['distro'] = $distro['DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION'].', '.$distro['DISTRIB_CODENAME'];
- }
- if( !$aCheck['distro'] )
- {
- foreach (glob("/etc/*_version") as $filename)
- {
- list( $sDistroName, $dummy ) = explode( '_', basename($filename) );
- $sDistroName = ucfirst($sDistroName);
- $sDistroVer = trim( file_get_contents($filename) );
- $aCheck['distro'] = "$sDistroName $sDistroVer";
- break;
- }
- }
- if( !$aCheck['distro'] )
- {
- if( file_exists( '/etc/issue' ) )
- {
- $lines = file('/etc/issue');
- $aCheck['distro'] = trim( $lines[0] );
- }
- else
- {
- $output = NULL;
- exec( "uname -om", $output );
- $aCheck['distro'] = trim( implode( ' ', $output ) );
- }
- }
- ///// Get CPU Information /////
- $cpu = file( '/proc/cpuinfo' );
- $vendor = NULL;
- $model = NULL;
- $cores = 0;
- foreach( $cpu as $line )
- {
- if( preg_match( '/^vendor_id\s*:\s*(.+)$/i', $line, $m ) )
- $vendor = $m[1];
- elseif( preg_match( '/^model\s+name\s*:\s*(.+)$/i', $line, $m ) )
- $model = $m[1];
- elseif( preg_match( '/^processor\s*:\s*\d+$/i', $line ) )
- $cores++;
- }
- $aCheck['cpu'] = "$vendor, $model";
- $aCheck['cores'] = $cores;
- $aCheck['kernel'] = trim(file_get_contents("/proc/version"));
- //memory info
- foreach( file('/proc/meminfo') as $line )
- {
- $line = trim($line);
- if( preg_match( '/^memtotal[^\d]+(\d+)[^\d]+$/i', $line, $m ) )
- {
- $aCheck['memory'] = ROUND($m[1] / 1000 / 1000,2);
- break;
- }
- }
- return $aCheck;
- }
- public static function uptime_human($uptime)
- {
- $uptime = explode( ' ',$uptime);
- return self::secondsToTime(round($uptime[0]),0);
- }
- public static function secondsToTime($seconds)
- {
- $dtF = new DateTime("@0");
- $dtT = new DateTime("@$seconds");
- return $dtF->diff($dtT)->format('%a days, %h hours, %i minutes and %s seconds');
- }
- }
<?php /** * Monyt server script * returns linux system information to display in your app * @see monyt.net * @author Chema Garrido <chema@garridodiaz.com> * @license GPL v3 */ error_reporting(1); if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3', '<=')) die('You need PHP 5.3 or newer to run Monyt server script.'); //////////////// AUTHENTICATION REVIEW THIS //////////////// // Use authentication // If set to TRUE best choice only works with Monyt PRO // If set to FALSE no authentication define('USE_AUTHENTICATION', TRUE); define('ADMIN_USERNAME','monyt'); define('ADMIN_PASSWORD',''); // PUT A PASSWORD THIS TO ENABLE AUTHENTICATION!!! //////////////// DO NOT MODIFY FROM HERE /////////////////// // authentication needed? if ( USE_AUTHENTICATION === TRUE AND ADMIN_PASSWORD != '' AND ( !isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) OR !isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']) OR $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] != ADMIN_USERNAME OR $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] != ADMIN_PASSWORD )) { header("WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"Monyt Login\""); header("HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized"); die('<html><body> <h1>Auth needed!</h1> <h2>Wrong Username or Password!</h2> </body></html>'); } // end auth //only returns the monyt version if( isset($_GET['version'] ) ) $return = Monyt::VERSION; //returns information about the server elseif( isset($_GET['check']) ) $return = Monyt::server_info(); //monitoring status else $return = Monyt::server_status(); //debug variable if( isset($_GET['debug']) ) { die(print_r($return,1)); } else { //output json information header('Content-type: text/json'); header('Content-type: application/json'); die(json_encode($return)) ; } /** * Monyt Class * returns linux system information to display in your app * @see monyt.net * @author Chema Garrido <chema@garridodiaz.com> * @license GPL v3 */ class Monyt{ const VERSION = '2.0.0'; /** * get server status * @return array */ public static function server_status() { $aStats['monyt'] = self::VERSION; $aStats['uptime'] = trim( file_get_contents("/proc/uptime") ); $aStats['uptime_human'] = self::uptime_human($aStats['uptime']); //processor usage $load = explode( ' ', file_get_contents("/proc/loadavg") ); $aStats['load'] = $load[0].', '.$load[1].', '.$load[2]; //memory info foreach( file('/proc/meminfo') as $line ) { $line = trim($line); if( preg_match( '/^memtotal[^\d]+(\d+)[^\d]+$/i', $line, $m ) ) { $aStats['total_memory'] = $m[1]; } else if( preg_match( '/^memfree[^\d]+(\d+)[^\d]+$/i', $line, $m ) ) { $aStats['free_memory'] = $m[1]; } } //new memory stats $aStats['memory'] = array( 'total' => $aStats['total_memory'], 'free' => $aStats['free_memory'], 'used' => $aStats['total_memory'] - $aStats['free_memory'], 'percent' => round($aStats['used_memory']*100/$aStats['total_memory'],2) ); //hard disks info $aStats['hd'] = array(); //mounts we will display always $mounts_allowed = array('/','/tmp','/usr','/var','/home'); //amount of mounts to display $mounts = 5; foreach( file('/proc/mounts') as $mount ) { $mount = trim($mount); if( $mount AND $mount[0] == '/' ) { $parts = explode( ' ', $mount ); if( $parts[0] != $parts[1] ) { $device = $parts[0]; $folder = $parts[1]; $total = disk_total_space($folder) / 1024; $free = disk_free_space($folder) / 1024; if( $total > 0 AND ($mounts > 0 OR in_array($folder,$mounts_allowed)) ) { $used = $total - $free; $used_perc = ( $used * 100.0 ) / $total; $aStats['hd'][] = array ( 'dev' => $device, 'total' => $total, 'used' => $used, 'free' => $free, 'used_perc' => $used_perc, 'mount' => $folder ); $mounts--; } } } } //networks info and stats usage $ifname = NULL; $aStats['net_rx'] = 0; $aStats['net_tx'] = 0; if( file_exists('/etc/network/interfaces') ) { foreach( file('/etc/network/interfaces') as $line ) { $line = trim($line); if( preg_match( '/^iface\s+([^\s]+)\s+inet\s+.+$/', $line, $m ) AND $m[1] != 'lo' ) { $ifname = $m[1]; break; } } } else { foreach( glob('/sys/class/net/*') as $filename ) { if( $filename != '/sys/class/net/lo' AND file_exists( "$filename/statistics/rx_bytes" ) AND trim( file_get_contents("$filename/statistics/rx_bytes") ) != '0' ) { $parts = explode( '/', $filename ); $ifname = array_pop( $parts ); } } } if( $ifname != NULL ) { $aStats['net_rx'] = trim( file_get_contents("/sys/class/net/$ifname/statistics/rx_bytes") ); $aStats['net_tx'] = trim( file_get_contents("/sys/class/net/$ifname/statistics/tx_bytes") ); } return $aStats; } /** * server information * @return array */ public static function server_info() { $aCheck = array ( 'monyt' => self::VERSION, 'distro' => '', 'kernel' => '', 'cpu' => '', 'cores' => '', 'memory' => '', ); ///// Get distro name and verion ///// $sDistroName = ''; $sDistroVer = ''; //for ubuntu.... if (file_exists('/etc/lsb-release')) { $distro = parse_ini_file('/etc/lsb-release'); $aCheck['distro'] = $distro['DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION'].', '.$distro['DISTRIB_CODENAME']; } if( !$aCheck['distro'] ) { foreach (glob("/etc/*_version") as $filename) { list( $sDistroName, $dummy ) = explode( '_', basename($filename) ); $sDistroName = ucfirst($sDistroName); $sDistroVer = trim( file_get_contents($filename) ); $aCheck['distro'] = "$sDistroName $sDistroVer"; break; } } if( !$aCheck['distro'] ) { if( file_exists( '/etc/issue' ) ) { $lines = file('/etc/issue'); $aCheck['distro'] = trim( $lines[0] ); } else { $output = NULL; exec( "uname -om", $output ); $aCheck['distro'] = trim( implode( ' ', $output ) ); } } ///// Get CPU Information ///// $cpu = file( '/proc/cpuinfo' ); $vendor = NULL; $model = NULL; $cores = 0; foreach( $cpu as $line ) { if( preg_match( '/^vendor_id\s*:\s*(.+)$/i', $line, $m ) ) $vendor = $m[1]; elseif( preg_match( '/^model\s+name\s*:\s*(.+)$/i', $line, $m ) ) $model = $m[1]; elseif( preg_match( '/^processor\s*:\s*\d+$/i', $line ) ) $cores++; } $aCheck['cpu'] = "$vendor, $model"; $aCheck['cores'] = $cores; $aCheck['kernel'] = trim(file_get_contents("/proc/version")); //memory info foreach( file('/proc/meminfo') as $line ) { $line = trim($line); if( preg_match( '/^memtotal[^\d]+(\d+)[^\d]+$/i', $line, $m ) ) { $aCheck['memory'] = ROUND($m[1] / 1000 / 1000,2); break; } } return $aCheck; } public static function uptime_human($uptime) { $uptime = explode( ' ',$uptime); return self::secondsToTime(round($uptime[0]),0); } public static function secondsToTime($seconds) { $dtF = new DateTime("@0"); $dtT = new DateTime("@$seconds"); return $dtF->diff($dtT)->format('%a days, %h hours, %i minutes and %s seconds'); } }
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